Security for IoT May Depend on ISPs

The Internet of Things is coming. Large numbers of smart thermostats and electronic door locks and other IoT devices have already been installed worldwide, but are users aware of the risks involved? There have already...


Multi-Mode Small Cell    O-RU  SC-72x O-RAN Alliance has defined a reference distributed architecture to enable next generation RAN infrastructure, consisting of DU and RU. CIG has developed a series of hardware...


5G Small Cell O-Bridge  SC-640 O-RAN Alliance has defined reference distributed architecture to enable next generation RAN infrastructure, consisting of DU and RU. We have developed a series of hardware platform...


5G Small Cell O-DU Platform SC-60 O-RAN Alliance has defined reference distributed architecture to enable next generation RAN infrastructure, consisting of DU and RU. CIG has developed a series of hardware platform...


5G Small Cell O-RU  SC-70x O-RAN Alliance has defined a reference distributed architecture to enable next generation RAN infrastructure, consisting of DU and RU. CIG has developed a series of hardware platform...

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