Boost WiFi




The State of Broadband Growth and Competition

Although many pundits predicted a saturation point and slow down of the broadband market, actual broadband penetration is still growing at a healthy pace with no signs of slowing down. Indeed, cable operators’ biggest challenge is trying to increase their control of...

Aircraft-Based Wireless Networks

Filed under “Why didn’t we think of this first?”, a new concept is emerging out of the windy California desert. In a nutshell, airplanes would act as “mini-satellites” and create a flying network, capable of blanketing isolated areas with wireless coverage. The...

Cord-cutting Trending in US Pay-TV Market

As the cord-cutting trend continues gain steam, it’s beginning to threaten the viability of the business models of traditional television, telephone, and Internet companies. Among the largest US telcos, AT&T and Windstream, experienced declines in their subscriber...

5G – The Fact, the Fiction, and Everything in Between

Sure, we’ve all heard the over-the-top hype about the new slippery-fast 5G wireless standard. Although it’s not available yet, tests by some large carriers show promise. Now the bad news - the soonest it will likely be available to consumers is sometime in 2020....

Broadband Service Provider News – Centurylink, Mediacom, Verizon

Last week, CenturyLink hinted it is planning to replace its legacy “Prism” IPTV platform with a new, higher bandwidth system next year. Hoping to appeal to the millennial generation, the new platform (“Prism Stream”) features just 17 channels. The company is still...

The Lowdown on Bluetooth 5

There’s a new sheriff in town, and its name is Bluetooth 5. It sports a bevy of new upgrades, including longer range, larger broadcast message capacity, and faster speed. But it doesn’t stop there - it has been designed specifically to play nice with other...

A Third of American’s Lack Choice of Broadband Providers

According to an Internet Access Services Report, only two thirds of Americans have a choice of more than one broadband service provider delivering service of more than 10 Mbps. The study summarized responses from the end of 2015. It also found that in many cases, this...

YouTube enables 4K Live Streaming

YouTube has supported 4K for several years, but it just recently announced 4K streaming. This marks a huge step for live streaming content, which has taken hold in popular social media channels like Facebook and Twitter. By being one of the first to support this new...

Mobile Broadband Reaches 84% of the Globe

84% of the world’s population now has access to mobile broadband (otherwise known as 3G and 4G). That’s according to this year’s Measuring the Information Society Report by the United Nation's International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Actual penetration or usage...

What to Do with a 10 Gbps Connection

A customer in Chattanooga, TN was able to sign up for a service providing an Internet connection that delivers an almost unimaginable 10 Gbps. A local provider, EPB, launched the service last year for $300 a month with free installation, no contracts, and no early...

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