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Market Insights on Smart IoT Gateways

ABI released a report that provides insights into IoT gateways. The ever-changing demands of the Internet of Things are forcing change on gateways in terms of how they fit into the value chain of connectivity and data management. Smart IoT Gateways are gaining new...

Nielsen Explores the Importance in Representing US Latinos in Media

Latinos in the US represent 17.6% of the total US population and is also the fastest-growing demographic. Nielsen recently released a new video in their Diverse Intelligence Series that shares the perspectives and thoughts of four accomplished Latinos in media. The...

YouTube Premium Rebranding Expected to Drive Revenue

In an effort to manage the rising competition in online video, YouTube is rebranding and expanding the YouTube Premium subscription service in order to raise revenue. YouTube is currently the global leader in online video. According to IHS Markit, YouTube Premium is...

Security and Price have Customers Concerned about Smart Appliances

Despite the surge in smart technology, consumers are concerned about the security and price of smart appliances, according to a recent YouGov survey. Smart appliances are relatively new additions to connected home technology. The study shows that while 62% of US...

Market Growth of Wearable Technology Driven by Wrist-Worn Devices

According to forecasts from IDC, market growth from wearable technology is primarily driven by smartwatches and wrist-worn fitness trackers, accounting for 95% of all wearables shipped this year. It is expected that wrist-worn technology will continue to drive market...

Retail and Restaurants Face Challenges With Managed Wi-Fi Solutions

Given the rapidly changing technological needs of restaurants and retail spaces that both engage customers and support IT infrastructure, reliable Wi-Fi networks are imperative. Restaurant and retail industries require key features from a wireless network, such as...

Live Streaming is Changing How We Watch Sports

CSG recently released its global market survey, Digital Future Report: Sports Streaming Edition, that polled more than 2,000 18-64 year olds to evaluate when and how sports fans watch live sports. Streaming sports events on mobile devices are becoming increasingly...

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