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コメント:DONt DRINK THE WATER! From cult director Nico Mastorakis (Island of Death, Hired to Kill) comes Nightmare at Noon, a hectic mashup of eco-horror and shoot em up full of daring stunts and explosive action! Something strange is afoot in a small remote town in Utah, as a series of sinister state experiments in the surrounding desert leads to the contamination of its water supply, transforming the residents into lethal brainless maniacs. Enter vacationing lawyer Ken Griffiths (Wings Hauser, Vice Squad), his sassy wife Cheri (Kimberly Beck) and Reilly (Bo Hopkins), the mysterious hitchhiker they pick up on the road, who find themselves thrust into the midst of this madness when they stop for a drink at the local diner. Featuring an epic score by Stanley Myers and Hans Zimmer (Inception, The Dark Knight series) and set amongst the spectacular backdrop of Arches National Park, Nightmare at Noon is a non-stop adrenaline pumping thrill ride!
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