ジャンル:TV DramaHoliday-Christmas (Live Action
コメント:CHRISTMAS ON MY MIND: A bump on the head, an unexplained wedding dress and temporary short-term amnesia lead Lucy Lovett on a search for the truth about her breakup with long-time sweetheart Zach Callahan. She returns to Bedford Harbor, Maine for the towns Christmas celebration and rediscovers the woman she used to be, what matters most, and that a Christmas miracle can bring back love thought to be lost forever. Starring Ashley Greene, Andrew Walker and Jacke Harry.A HOMECOMING FOR THE HOLIDAYS: Country singer Charlotte is home for the holidays and brother Ryans fellow ex-soldier Matt is in town. Writing her new album, Charlotte works with Matt to build a house for a friend in town. Stars Laura Osnes and Stephen Huszar.HOLIDAY HEARTS: While planning an annual Christmas party, Peyton is forced together with Ben to care for a friends daughter. While finding their Christmas spirit, will there be some romance along the way? Stars Ashley Williams and Paul Campbell.
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