(High Quality 4-Piece Set) Made in bulk at a factory producing baby mat. We take great attention to the high quality of the mat, and we have made this set of 4 by direct from the production factory (4 sheets are large enough to be used) This 4-piece set is recommended for people who love pets. Prepare in places where your pet may get dirty. Recommended for those who want to use a lot. You can freely depend on your ideas. Toilet shatterproof mat, nursing, hygiene mat, disaster preparedness mat, tropical fish tank cleaning, rain leakage, bath mat, foot wipe mat, etc. Great for bulk purchases (4 sheets are just the right size for hygienic): Large mats are difficult to wash. It feels like washing a winter coat In addition to being heavy, it can be washed in the cold winter, rainy season, hot summer, and washing tend to become unsanitary. It is almost the same size as an adult tee, so it is easy to wash and dry quickly. It is also recommended for people who like a chot. Just the right size for hygienic hand washing in the sink (Best Choice for New Life) The Coronavirus makes it a great choice for those who go out and buy supermarkets. In addition, in the event of an earthquake, there is a lack of living materials such as paper pet sheets. This product is washable and easy to reuse and no need to go out. Best choice for "New Life Style". Safe for disasters (The more you use it, the more you pay for) This product can be washed and reused easily, and the more you use it, the more you pay for. They also provide endless purchases, storage space and inventory, hygiene management of waste waste odors, and endless garbage disposal. It is completely free and will pay for your precious moment DRACY Trademark Registration Number: 6292008
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