Andre Messagers Fortunio premiered in 1907 at the Opera Comique, where it received acclaim that was to last decades. One of the last composers to devote his entire career to opera and operetta, Messager exemplified in his music a feeling for dramatic pacing and the spirit of the Belle Epoque, qualities that permeate Fortunio, a comedie lyrique in which the dialogue in the libretto is given a continuous musical setting. Taking Alfred de Mussets play Le Chandelier as his source, Messager explores upper-class society at the turn of the 19th century with subtlety of characterization and a thoroughly French orchestral transparency. This production directed by Denis Podalydes features Cyrille Dubois in the title role, alongside soprano Anne-Catherine Gillet, and baritone Franck Leguerinel, among others.こちらのDVDは輸入盤DVDです。リージョン=フリーのDVDプレイヤーでない場合、再生できない可能性があります。
ジャンル:Classical Artists
コメント:Andre Messagers Fortunio premiered in 1907 at the Opera Comique, where it received acclaim that was to last decades. One of the last composers to devote his entire career to opera and operetta, Messager exemplified in his music a feeling for dramatic pacing and the spirit of the Belle Epoque, qualities that permeate Fortunio, a comedie lyrique in which the dialogue in the libretto is given a continuous musical setting. Taking Alfred de Mussets play Le Chandelier as his source, Messager explores upper-class society at the turn of the 19th century with subtlety of characterization and a thoroughly French orchestral transparency. This production directed by Denis Podalydes features Cyrille Dubois in the title role, alongside soprano Anne-Catherine Gillet, and baritone Franck Leguerinel, among others.
エツミ クリーニングクロス
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イセトウ ソフトバケツ I-484
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Merbau 枕コア 1 個、ふわふわ、柔らかく、快適なベッド枕、高い枕付き、寝室、ホテル、オールシーズン利用可能[MPHA24060002]